When trying to solve problems, it’s important to find the best solution to fix the problem. When we work with our customers, we recommend particular equipment that will solve their issues. Occasionally, though, we find ourselves with customers who try to solve a problem with the wrong equipment – and end up calling us for help.

Recently, a Boston-area university reached out to us because they were having trouble with cellular coverage in a residence hall. They had installed BDAs (Bi-directional amplifiers) to improve the cell signal, but were still having trouble.

On close inspection, we identified the problem. They had installed residential-type BDAs. These were too small to handle the needs of a large university residence hall. The BDAs had burned out and dropped coverage trying to support demand that was too high for them.

To solve the issue, we recommended commercial grade BDAs, which can support the vigorous cell usage that university students require. Now that the correct BDAs are installed, students are enjoying consistent, reliable cellular coverage to support a challenging year with greater demand than ever in college residence halls.

If you have issues with cellular reception on your campus or in your office, contact us to see if we can provide a simple, cost-effective solution to the problem.

KTS. We Connect the Disconnect.