Bird's eye view of heroes in action

As 2020 winds down, we look ahead to the New Year with hope. We also reflect on the past year with admiration for some of the amazing things we’ve had the opportunity to see this year. Much of the work that KTS has done this year has been for customers in healthcare and education. Our work is typically done behind the scenes, giving us a bird’s eye view of real-life heroes in action.

Healthcare Heroes

We’ve seen incredible healthcare workers going the extra mile despite being exhausted. Nurses, doctors, support staff and janitorial workers put themselves at risk of contracting COVID-19 in order to take care of those who have it. They comforted patients in the absence of visitors and used technology to connect family members who couldn’t be with their ill loved ones. When hospitals were at capacity, they adapted without complaint, using temporary space to care for patients.

Education Heroes

We’ve also watched school administrators and staff find ways to make college and high school a safe and successful experience under challenging circumstances. From the classroom time – virtual or partially in person – to the application and admissions process to campus life to athletic recruitment, we’ve watched these talented people seek solutions to connect with current and prospective students making things as “normal” as they could for students in these very strange times.

None of these people would call themselves a “hero”, they’ll tell you they were just doing their job. But we don’t see it that way. These are friends, neighbors and people throughout our communities who have put them themselves in harm’s way, gone the extra mile and given us hope. They are heroes to us.

We look ahead to better days and wish you and yours peace and good health in 2021.