Do you find co-workers wandering the corridors with their phones held aloft? Do they look frustrated? Angry? Do they look tired of all that wandering? Does it seem like you are working on the set of a zombie film? You’re not alone!

No more poor cell service

Poor cellular reception plagues many workplaces.

There are a number of causes for poor cell reception in your workplace, but there is a fairly straightforward solution to fix it: a cellular BDA (bi-directional amplifier) which amplifies the cell signal. Read more about how BDAs solve cell reception problems.

KTS is the go-to company for many offices, hospitals, labs and campuses, helping to solve poor cell reception. Our team has proven expertise evaluating your workplace and installing BDAs to fix this all-too-common workplace issue. Read a case study about how a BDA helped resolve poor cell reception in a New England skilled care facility.

If your workplace is struggling with cell reception, productivity and morale are being impacted. If you are looking for a solution to this problem, KTS can help. Leave the zombies at the movies and contact us. We have nearly 40 years of experience solving connectivity issues in the workplace.

KTS. We Connect the Disconnect.