You might be asking yourself this question as you wander the halls at work holding your cell phone over your head looking for that sweet spot – past the break room but before the elevator. It’s frustrating and time consuming. But what can you do? It’s your cell carrier, right? In reality, it might not be your cell carrier at all. Many buildings, companies and campuses have in common the problem of poor cell reception, but this is a problem with a solution.

The cause of poor cell service is often the building. Newer buildings are made to be energy efficient, but that efficiency sometimes comes at the cost of cell reception. If that is the reality in your building, you’ve got to contend with that challenge. But wait, your building is older, so why are you having trouble with cell reception? Older buildings have their own challenges like solidly built walls, stone façades and underground areas which all block cell signals.

Our technology and ways of working have changed. We need cellular reception in our workspaces as much as we need electricity and water, so ignoring the problem is no longer an option, it must be addressed. This can lead to anxiety over anticipated cost and inconvenience. Relax. The solutions are not overwhelming in either cost or workplace disruption.

One solution that can address the issues in old buildings and green buildings is a cellular bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA). A cellular BDA amplifies the cell signal solving the problem of poor cell reception in the office, across campuses, in hospitals and in many other work environments. A cellular BDA is unobtrusive in its installation. It takes the existing cellular signal amplifies it and distributes it throughout the building, improving reception to all areas of the workplace. Cellular BDAs are a simple choice to fix this frustrating problem and dramatically improve communication.

If you have questions about how a cellular BDA can work for you contact us. We can help you design a cellular BDA that fits your workplace and solves your communication issues.

KTS. We Connect the Disconnect.